411 Ambulance

Electric mobility

The VEA 411 is a fully electric compact utility vehicle, and low speed for urban logistics and completed services. A robust and versatile vehicle, the 411 has an important role in the commercial market space and can handle various needs at an affordable price. It is a utilitarian vehicle capable of servicing different ranges of uses and applications.

About Ambulances

Interior design
optimal use of space and maximum conversion weight not exceeding recommended by the drive manufacturer. The structure and coating materials offer resistance, and mechanical strength, voltage and temperature changes chemical resistance.
Electric equipment
Master switch, which isolates electrical installation conversión auxiliary Botoneras lighting control side door and trasera inverter corriente charger baterías currents 110V intelligent indicator baterías 12V socket in cabin atención Two connections USB cabin Toma Attention

Structure Conversion
It is reinforced with structural steel and aluminum, and bonded with special adhesives and mechanical fasteners that preserve the vehicle manufacturer's warranty. Coverings and furniture are mounted on this structure in such a way that avoids the risk of landslides that endanger the occupants.
Lighting Unit
Interior: Lighting system based on LED technology that allows you to control and regulate its intensity in order to respond to the diverse needs of the team and the patient inside the cabin médica. Exterior: It has two types of lighting: perimeter lighting for the scene, and emergency lights and siren for service delivery.

Control system
Two touch screens allow management, monitoring and control systems ambulance. One is located in the medical section and the other in the driving area, and facilitate operation.
Oxygen System
It has two oxygen tanks 1,699 liters each to facilitate maneuverability, high pressure gauge in a distribution system and output flowmeter 2 to 15 liters per minute. The digital system allows measurement and monitoring oxygen levels from the unit touchscreens.