Emergency or Social Aid Assistance

Portable campsite which provides a wide range of support in temporary functions such as hospitals, dormitories, and disaster or emergency operating bases. Its quality, functionality, and versatility of use make these solutions certainly the best of its kind. In an emergency speed is the most important factor for launching operations.
Presentation Western Shelter

Complementary accessories Camp
Energía Climatización Plant Health / Regadera Lavabos heater agua container of clean water and lights gises Literas interior Ventiladores metal tables and chairs portables command displays and portable projectors
Marquees features
antihongos. UV. protection Antimachas protection Antirasgaduras Construction of aluminum structural supports high resistencia No tools required for assembly everything is ensamblado Withstands temperatures from -28 to 60 ºC The way supports small loads of snow and accumulations of agua sustained winds of up to 80 km / h gusts of up to 112 Km / h floor assembly does not allow seepage ponding to 15 cm mooring systems are included to floor